Thursday, June 26, 2014


Recent Entries:


Homophobic:   Anyone who doesn't agree with or support EVERYTHING surrounding, related to, or connected with anything or anyone homosexual,    Additionally, anyone who uses any language deemed "offensive" (subjective) pertaining to the aforementioned.


  • If you don't hire someone, and they are gay, you are homophobic.
  • If you say something that offends someone gay, you are a homophobic.
  • If a gay man doesn't succeed it is because of homophobia.   
  • If you are an actor and don't accept a gay role, you are homophobic.
  • If you are a 3rd grade teacher and don't want to teach your students about homosexuality, you are a homophobic.
  • If you don't believe that the Institution of Marriage should include homosexuals, you are a homophobic.
  • If you feel uncomfortable with a gay man babysitting your 8 year old son, you are a homophobic (never-mind that it is was a concern over possible pedophilia that gave you pause. When you didn't hire a man babysitter for your 12 year old daughter no one questioned it)

Conspiracy Theorist:  Anyone who doesn't believe the propaganda, lies, and deceit that someone in a position of authority (govt, news etc) tries to sell them.

Immigration Reform:   Paying guides and coyotes to bring illegal alien minors into the USA (and aiding them in safe passage) in order to cause a devastating and disastrous domestic situation in southern states that will require immediate action.

Ukranian Rebels:   Ukrainians who don't support the new Western regime put in place by an illegal coup and takeover of their country.

Ukranian Defense:  Illegal Ukrainians who ousted the legal govt. with the help of NATO and the US.

Syrian Jihadists:  Legal govt and citizens of Syria fighting against foreign invaders.

Syrian Freedom Fighters:  US trained, funded non-Syrian rebels that fight against Syria.

on ISIS attacking Iraq:   Oops, we funded and trained them to attack Assad.

on ISIS finding Saddam's Chemical Weapons Stash:   WOW --- they did what UN inspectors and the USA couldn't do for 10 years?   Someone finally found the missing WMDs?

Where will the USA  I mean ISIS attack with these chemical weapons?   That will be the new PROBLEM.   What will be the public REACTION (after spun by the media and various govts)?   Finally,  what will the response (SOLUTION) be to it the drummed up REACTION?

You've been warned.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

RACE :: Inconsistencies (Obama, Elliot, Zimmerman)

Barack Hussein Obama.   Mom is white.  Dad is black.   The media calls him "black".   Generally speaking, if you are half white and half black you are called "black".  Barack is of an equal amount white as he is black.

Elliot Rodger.  Mom is of Chinese decent, from Malaysia.  Dad is white.  The media and blogosphere are ablaze with claims of "white privilege".   Elliot is an equal amount Chinese (via Malaysia) as he is white.

George Zimmerman.  Mom is Hispanic.  Dad is white.  The media constantly referred to him as "White".    This stoked the race card in the Treyvon Shooting incident.  George is of an equal amount Hispanic as he is white.

The media is at the top of the list of those hammering "racism" yet they are one of, if not THE top proponent of stoking "racism".

Don't fall into the "race" game.   


Participating Patsy

Participating Pat·sy- (Noun)
A willing actor who will go down as the sole fall-guy for an event that was actually perpetrated, orchestrated and executed by multiple parties.  

A patsy is a fall guy for an event.  An easy set-up.

A "participating patsy" is a more evolved attack.   Instead of just a set-up, the real attackers actually encourage and utilize a willing and often psychologically unstable "participating patsy".   One of the hallmarks of the PP is that the fall-guy is almost always mentally unstable in the eyes of the jury (you the viewing public).

The PP won't deny that they are the source, brains, and that they acted alone.   They think all along that they are going to pull off the attack.   They are lured by the power, the ego, and whatever "cause" or "agenda" that they are indoctrinated with.  The PP will often take credit for the attack (prior to the attack via video, letters.... or after being captured in the rare event that they weren't murdered by the real attackers) yet all along the attack's success,  execution, scope, breadth, and effectiveness was entirely due to the real attackers.    They don't have to take credit to be the PP ---  if the case is strong against them and they are dead, their mental instability or some back-story can suffice to pitch them as the fall-guy.   The PP is a pawn to serve as the fall-guy --- undeniably so since they were apart of the attack all along the way.

You can sniff out the PP attack.    When the next "event" strikes your local news, PAY ATTENTION.   If the initial unfiltered reports and real eye-witnesses acknowledge multiple attackers ....  the event is ripe for a PP.   If shortly thereafter the "official narrative" emerges and eliminates mentions of the "other" attackers....  the media stations have likely been hand-fed the script via their superiors.   The story will read that there was one attacker, not two, or three.   All highlighted evidence from this point forward will overwhelmingly show that the lone attacker (or attacker party) was solely responsible for the carnage.

Consider this pattern for the following events:

::17 known terrorist attacks ultimately orchestrated by FBI agents but carried out by misguided men that became "terrorists" via the FBI encouragement, resources, and help.
::Sandy Hook  (originally multiple shooters reported by multiple sources)
::DC car / barrier event (passenger seen ducking in the video of the fleeing car)
::Retribution Killer  (originally reported that the passenger was the shooter, confirms the eye-witness accounts)
::Navy Yard Shooting

A likely scenario along with these "killings" is that the PP is off'd by the "other" shooter (at the scene).   Other-times don't even require the PP present.   They could screw up the operation.   There are various derivations on this theme --- they all work if the heat all points to the PP.   Training videos (on-site) can be used and released as live-event videos to convince the public of the "actual event" even though it didn't go down exactly that way.

Why orchestrate chaos, murder and mayhem and have a fall-guy?   Either the chaos, murder and mayhem is the goal (not likely) or the chaos, murder and mayhem enables reactions/responses that are the goal (much more likely).

These events and ops take planning.

It is important to note that none of these attacks actually have to take place in the real world.  They can be complete fictions invented and sold to the masses as being "real".    The narrative and the fallout from the narrative is what is important.   Whether or not this event or that event actually happened (real people died the way the news claims) is irrelevant with respect to what happens NEXT.   The agenda is always the end-game.   The "response" (or solution purposed and enacted upon us) .... the "reaction" to the "catastrophe".....  is almost always the "reason" behind the "event".

You've been warned.

A look at a "possible" future:

Que up the SCI-FI script:

Technology increase is rapidly accelerating and reaching a pace we've never seen.  It's hard to grasp how fast things are moving.   It is even harder for humans to imagine a word where Artificial Intelligence surpasses that of human intelligence.  How can you grasp something that is smarter than you?  How can an ant fathom the mind of Einstein?   We are on an unstoppable path whereby jobs are minimized and more of the populace becomes unemployed and essentially irrelevant in the eyes of the state.

As time proceeds more jobs will be automated via new technology advancements.   This will increase unemployment because less and less jobs will be available for humans to fill.    Social programs will be increasingly put under more and more stress each year.   New jobs and skills will pop-up but they will not keep up with those jobs that are lost due to automation and future technologies increasing at exponential rates.   The "Minimum Wage" line will move forward into the jobs that currently are considered "skilled" jobs.    Why hire a designer when you can employ a program that does a better job in a fraction of the time?   Name the job --- it can likely be automated by future technology.   The accelerated pace of technology growth will rapidly push the MW line deeper right.  MW is always paid for the jobs that require the least skill but cannot yet be automated.   MW jobs are always those jobs that are close to being automated and done away with.   As more jobs are automated the MW pool will increase by pulling MW+ jobs into MW jobs.  There will be less and less jobs left to fill by skilled humans.  Many MW+ "skills" in today's world will be considered non-skills in the near future.  

3D printing, autonomous drones, builder-bots, automated tellers, AI personalities, AI experts and AI advisers ----  all are just a sub-set of technologies that are increasingly cutting away from available jobs. 

Possible Future Scenario:
The majority of America (and humanity) is headed towards a complete welfare state.   Eventually there will be a point where the majority of humanity is sustained by the graces of the "state's" welfare programs.   Population will have to be minimized.  There are no MW jobs in this future.  There will be only a few very powerful jobs for humans.  The bulk of humanity will be tightly controlled, clothed, housed, fed, and entertained by the state because there is otherwise nothing else for them to do.    If you do not subscribe to this future-state program you will have no other way to sustain yourself and your family.    

Less than 1% of 1% will hold the power and be considered "the elite" or the "royalty" in this future.  Less than 1% of humanity will be "needed" for the skills they provide the planet.  They will be respected by the elite....  the rest of humanity will be the "lowers" --- the lessor species that are kept around only because the powerful elite allow them to live.

Friday, April 11, 2014

False Flags and the next evolution :: FFA vs FFFA

As the public's awareness of the age-old "false-flag" tom-foolery increases a new method must be devised.

The "False-Flag" Attack (FFA): Group A pretends to be Group B in order to attack Group C (which could be the same as Group A) in order to justify a response of some kind.  The distinction I want to focus on is that the response is the desired outcome.

The next evolution only becomes possible when the public awareness of the concept of FFA reaches a critical mass.

The "False False-Flag" Attack (FFFA):  Group A pretends to be Group B (setting them up) to get caught trying to pull off a false-flag.   The important distinction is that the false false-flag attack (FFFA) is the desired attack.  It is permitted due to the act being blamed on Group B's failed false-flag attempt.  This would essentially allow a particularly crafty and resourceful group to attack any other group, straightaway, with no blow back or repercussions.  As compared to the FFA it would require more planning, more diverse resources and a stronger control of the media narrative.   It would be akin to the "long con".

You have been warned.

Monday, March 31, 2014

How to sell a lie :: with the FIIRE method

Current % of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <1%

Feared percent of population that would know the truth when exposed:  85%.   (unacceptable risk!)

a.  Flood
Flood the public domain with as many conspiracy theories as possible.  Ensure some are over-the-top crazy.   Make others more plausible but complete red herrings.   In your quest to hide the truth it is a bonus if you can cause some of these theories to tie up the resources of your opponents.  If you can successfully flood the market with false data and rabbit holes you will obfuscate the truth among your pile of lies.   They have to be believable.    Each theory should target a sub-group, demographic or sub-culture of the population.   Your goal is to tie them all up with false theories.  All you have to do is plant the seeds.  The public's imagination will grow the theories, organically, from there.   Be proud of watching what your creations become!

% of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <1%

b. Inclusion  
Include the truth you want to hide in the Flood.  The general public will lump the truth in with all the other "crazy" conspiracy theories (the ones they don't believe).   Focus on making the truth sound like one of the more crazy conspiracy theories.  The best way to handle the truth being exposed is to expose it yourself and control the handling and absorption of the information.   In the context of "just anther conspiracy theory" most people won't even consider it.  They will choose another more plausible theory.   Of the very small few who latch on to this "crazy" theory (the actual truth) the overwhelming majority will be duped into switching in the next step.

% of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <5-10%

c.  Invention
Manufacture a more believable truth -- a truth that speaks to the general beliefs and expectations of the public.    This eventually become the official narrative.  When revealed, this will get most the general public to switch from their 'theory' to this 'truth'.   You want them thinking, "Aha!  So that's what happened!"   Most people don't want to believe bad things.  They didn't want to believe the conspiracy theory in the "flood" stage.  They picked it because it made the most sense to them.   If you serve them up a "official narrative" that is even better;  they will go out of their way to discredit contradictory facts and evidence if it means keeping their world views together.  (cognitive dissonance)  The official narrative brings peace to their brains and allows them to set the topic to rest.   The lie you are selling here will contain just enough of the elements of the flooded conspiracy theories to allow them to switch with no mental ego hit.   They can still say, "see, I knew something like that happened".

% of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <5%

d.  Repeat and Reinforce
Repeat the "truth" you want to sell, in as many forms and formats as possible.    Sell, sell, sell.   News, blogs, TV shows, movies ---- all of them work together to overtly an covertly influence the minds of the masses.  

% of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <2%

e.  Experts / Official Agency Sign-off.
Appealing to authority on a mass-scale is an imperative when selling a lie.   It becomes harder for the general public to not believe the lie because powerful and educated agencies and groups have backed it.   You shown them all the crazy theories, you given them a more believable theory and you reinforced it through as many different 'touch points' as possible.   The experts sign-off provide the final support of needed.   In today's culture a celebrity and/or athlete is just as relevant as a scientist.   It is much easier to believe a lie when someone you "respect" also supports the lie.   It is easy to find someone the public respects because their heroes are easily fooled themselves.   The best spokesman for a lie is someone who believes that lie.

% of population believing the truth you are trying to hide:   <1%

Congratulations!  Using the FIIRE method, you've just sold an invented lie and hid the truth in the pile of flooded babble.  You prevented exposure by a "controlled exposure" and forever eliminated the possibility of a breaking news.   Your truth is already exposed and the general population never went above a 10% belief threshold.

Anyone who still believes the truth you tried to hide will be ridiculed as abnormal, a conspiracy theorist, and ostracized from being taken seriously.   It is impossible to 'buck-the-trend' when the public has been duped (original conspiracy theory) and then re-duped(the official narrative).  Once settled on the 'final truth' (the official narrative) they've invested so much time and energy into the process.  They will not even allow for that to be challenged again.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Malaysian Flight 370 :: LOGIC TREE

I. The plane never took off.

II. The plane took off.
----IIa. The plane landed, intact.
----IIb. The plane crashed.
--------IIb1. The plane crashed on land.
--------IIb2. The plane crashed at sea.
----IIc. The plane never landed (ie. shot down, collided mid-air, blown up, black hole, worm hole etc)